
The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE 2024) will be successfully held from October 18 to 20, 2024, in Xi'an. This conference is co-sponsored by Xidian University, China and IEEE; hosted by School of Telecommunicatios Engineering, Xidian University. The event has received strong support from several prestigious universities, including Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Chang'an University, and Beijing Union University. 

第九届IEEE智能交通工程国际会议(IEEE the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering,ICITE 2024)于2024年10月18-20日在西安顺利召开!本次会议由西安电子科技大学、IEEE(国际电气与电子工程师协会)主办,西安电子科技大学通信工程学院承办,并得到北京交通大学、北京工业大学,哈尔滨工业大学、清华大学、浙江大学、长安大学、北京联合大学等多所知名高校的大力支持。大会吸引了来自国内外高校、科研院所150位智能交通工程领域的专家、学者和行业领袖齐聚一堂,共同探讨智能交通工程的最新研究成果与未来发展趋势。会议以线上线下相结合方式进行。

ICITE 2024 Group Photo @ Xi'an  

Prof. Mao Guoqiang, Chairman of the conference and Director of the Intelligent Transportation Research Institute at Xidian University, attended the opening ceremony and extended warm congratulations on the event's success, welcoming the participating experts and scholars. He emphasized that intelligent transportation represents a new paradigm resulting from the deep integration of advanced information technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and big data with the transportation sector. This integration is crucial for driving transformative changes in the quality, efficiency, and dynamics of transportation systems.  





During the keynote session, features distinguished keynote presentations by Prof. Wanjing Ma, Prof. Helai Huang and Prof. Daxin Tian. Their presentations covered topics such as "Multi-objective optimization of vehicle traffic signals in IoT", "Large Language Models and Autonomous Driving Testing: Research and Development" and "Meta Learning based Adaptive Cooperative Perception in Nonstationary Vehicular Networks." Additionally, Prof. Zhiyuan Liu and Prof. Zhigang Xu will deliver captivating invited talks on "A Parallel Computing Framework for Large-Scale Microscopic Traffic Simulation based on Spectral Partitioning" and "Key Technologies of Dedicated Lanes for Connected and Automated Vehicles" respectively.  

 大会邀请同济大学马万经教授、中南大学黄合来教授、北京航空航天大学田大新教授作主旨报告,分别就“联网车辆交通信号的多目标优化”“大型语言模型与自动驾驶测试:研究与开发”“非平稳车载网络中基于元学习的自适应协作感知” 等主题,分享了系统全面、深入且具有前瞻性的主旨报告。东南大学刘志远教授、长安大学徐志刚教授也分别以“基于光谱划分的大规模微观交通模拟并行计算框架”“专用道连接和自动化车辆的关键技术”为主题作精彩特邀报告。 


同济大学马万经教授  中南大学黄合来教授团队  北京航空航天大学田大新教授团队 
东南大学刘志远教授  长安大学徐志刚教授 


The conference was held both online and offline, attracting over 150 experts and scholars from around the world. In addition to keynote & Invited speeches, there were, 9 technical sessions, 1 poster session, and 2 Best Student Papers Competition. The conference focused on hot topics such as Autonomous Driving Simulation and Intelligent Driving Perception, Transportation Mode and Route Planning, Vehicle Structure Analysis and Maintenance, Image-Based Traffic Detection and Traffic Time Estimation and Traffic Flow Prediction.  

 此次会议为期三天,除主旨报告和特邀报告外,大议还设有9个平行分会,1场海报展示以及2场最佳论文竞赛等精彩纷呈的学术活动。与会代表将聚焦自动驾驶模拟、交通特征识别、信号控制、交通环境检测、车辆维护、交通模式和路线规划等多个前沿议题,开展深入研讨。IEEE智能交通工程国际会议自2016年举办以来,已成功举办8届,现已发展成为智能交通工程领域的重要国际学术会议之一,为专家、学者和行业领袖提供一个碰撞思想、推动创新、相互学习的交流平台。    ICITE 2024的成功举办,通过深入探讨智能交通工程的重要科学问题和未来发展态势,激发更多创新灵感,推动智能交通工程领域技术深度融合与广泛应用。  

10月19日晚宴及颁奖典礼,由大会主席毛国强教授主持,并邀请西安电子科技大学李长乐教授、沈八中教授,长安大学徐志刚教授,东南大学刘志远教授分别颁发 青年科学家奖、最佳论文奖、最佳学生论文奖、优秀审稿人奖、最佳口头报告和最佳海报奖,获奖人均获得奖品及证书的嘉奖。 


Photo Gallery

Young Scientist Award 

Qiong Wu
Jiangnan University, China
Mingyang Hao
Beijing University of Technology, China
Ruijin Sun
Xidian University, China
Wenwei Yue
Xidian University, China


Best Paper Award 

TE6712 Shuyi Chen
Vehicle Localization and False Targets Elimination in 6G Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems
TE2380 Yuchuan Fu
A Two-Stream Asymmetric Data Fusion Approach with Low Data Redundancy for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
TE6148 Yanyan Chen
Future Instance Prediction in Hybrid Spatial-Temporal Bird’s-Eye-View Representation for Vision-centric Autonomous Driving
TE7438 Jiajun Zhang
Vision-based Vehicle Articulation Angle Estimation using Corner Point Detection of Calibration Plate


Best Student Papers Award 

TE8781 Xingliang Ren
Traffic and Scenario Adaptive OFDM-IM Communication for Vehicular Networks
TE1681 Hala A.Eljailany
Exploring the Influence of Different Levels of Driving Automation
in Vehicle Recurrent Crashes: A Random Forest Approach


Outstanding Reviewer Award 

Shuai Wang
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Yafei Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Best Presentation Award 

Josua Duensing, University of Kassel, Germany
Yilong Wang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Hanxi Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Xin Lin, Fuzhou University, China
Yuxiao Xu, Southwest Jiaotong University, China 
Yilin Bai, National University of Singapore, Singapor
Shuan Ji, UniTTEC Co., Ltd., China
Ole Hans, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Jinxiu Fu, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, China
Wenying Xie, Southwest Jiaotong University, China 


Oral & Poster Presentation Sessions



ICITE2024 Speakers

Wanjing Ma | 马万经教授
Tongji University, China  
Helai Huang | 黄合来教授
Central South University, China 
Daxin Tian | 田大新教授
Beihang University, China 
Zhiyuan Liu | 刘志远教授
Southeast University, China   
Zhigang Xu | 徐志刚教授
Chang’an University, China