ICITE2024 Invited Speakers

Prof. Zhiyuan Liu | 刘志远教授

Southeast University, China | 东南大学

Dr. Zhiyuan (Terry) Liu is a Professor in the School of Transportation at Southeast University in Nanjing China. He attained his Ph.D degree from National University of Singapore (NUS) in Transportation Engineering in 2011. Prior to his studies in Singapore, he has obtained a Bachelor degree in Transportation Engineering from Southeast University. From 2011 to 2012, he worked as a postdoc research fellow in NUS. From 2012 to 2015, he was a lecturer in Monash University Australia, where he also served as the director of the Master of Transportation Systems Program. Any interested Ph.D applicants with a Master degree on Transportation Engineering or relevant areas are encouraged to apply for the international Ph.D program (with scholarship) in Southeast University at Nanjing China. If you have any queries, please email Dr. Liu for more information.

Prof. Zhigang Xu | 徐志刚教授


Chang’an University, China | 长安大学

Zhigang Xu is the Vice Dean and Chang’an Scholar Distinguished Professor with the School of Information Engineering at Chang'an University. He is recognized as a national high-level talent, a leading expert on scientific and technological innovation areas certificated by the Ministry of Transport,China, a recipient of the Shaanxi Provincial Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars,the Shaanxi Provincial Youth Science and Technology Award, and the Excellent Teacher Award of Chinese Transportation Education. Professor Xu's research is focused on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, and Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System. He has won 2 National Science and Technology Progress Awards (Second Prize), 3 Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Awards (First Prize). His research achievements have been implemented in various provinces and cities in China. Currently, he serves as the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and the editor member of COMMTR, JTTE, China Journal of Highway and Transport, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering among others. He is also the Chair of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Committee of the World Transport Conference, a member of the T&DI of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Deputy Director of the Internet of Vehicles Joint Laboratory sponsored by the Ministry of Education and China Mobile. He is also the Deputy Director of the Chang’an University Autonomous Vehicle Testsite (CAVTest) authorized by Ministry of Transport,China.

Prof. Jia Hu | 胡茄教授

Tongji University, China | 同济大学

Jia Hu works as a ZhongTe Distinguished Chair in Cooperative Automation in the College of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University. Before joining Tongji, he was a research associate at the Federal Highway Administration, USA (FHWA). He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Vehicle, American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Transportation Engineering, IEEE Open Journal in Intelligent Transportation Systems, an assistant editor of the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, an advisory editorial board member for the Transportation Research Part C, an associate editor for IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium since 2018, and an associate editor for IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference since 2019. Furthermore, he is a member of TRB (a division of the National Academies) Vehicle Highway Automation Committee, Freeway Operation Committee and Simulation subcommittee of Traffic Signal Systems Committee, and a member of CAV Impact Committee and Artificial Intelligence Committee of ASCE Transportation and Development Institute.

Title of Speech: Testing Technologies for the safety of Automated Driving

Abstract: With the rapid progression of automated driving technology, ensuring safety has become a critical focus. This presentation addresses three pivotal areas of safety testing: functional safety testing, Safety-of-intended-funtionality(sotif) testing and testing toolbox. It reviews current advancements, identifies key challenges, and introduces innovative approaches aiming at overcoming these barriers. Implementations of these solutions are also presented, showcasing their real-world application potentials. This presentation aims to provide insights into the current state of automated driving safety testing and offers a forward-looking perspective on future developments in this field.